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Mr. Marshall's Method

  Mr. Marshall’s Method

  Jessa York

  To those of you for whom something else calls.


  “I don’t know what lies around the bend, but I’m going to believe that the best does.”

  L.M. Montgomery

  Also by Jessa York

  Love In Santa Lena Series :

  Book One: Falling For Jack

  Book Two: Convincing Harper

  Book Three: Waiting On Jason

  Book Four: Healed by Chelsea


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  39. Chapter 39—A Few Months Later or An Epilogue of Sorts…

  40. Chapter 40—Or—What’s Next?


  About the Author

  Mr. Marshall’s Method

  Copyright © 2019 Jessa York

  Thank you for reading and reviewing this book. It is illegal to distribute or sell this copy in any form. All rights reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without the express written permission of the author. The only exception is by a reviewer who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Cover Design by More Than Words Graphic Design

  Proofing by Emily Kirkpatrick

  Created with Vellum



  “Fuck me hard and then some,” Ivy said, peering over my shoulder as I shoved more junk inside my locker, praying it would shut this time.

  “Thanks for the offer, chickie, but I’ll refrain if that’s okay?”

  “Is he a student or a teacher?” Paige said, slithering up on the other side of me. She gave my locker a body check to assist my efforts, eyes sticking off to the side.

  “Teacher,” Ivy said, running her fingers through the mess of blonde curls on her head, fluffing herself up like she was ready to pounce.

  Turning around, I shook my head. “What are you guys...holy cow,” I whispered as any breath I had in my lungs disappeared. The man these girls were talking about was hot. Take your breath away, strip your panties off kind of hot.

  His dark hair was on the longer side of short. Just enough so I could run my fingers through it.

  The man could be in film—he had just the right amount of rugged good looks mixed with boy next door charm.

  They giggled at me while I attempted to recover. “Pick your jaw up, Holly,” Paige said, tapping her finger under my chin. Her arms were full of books and assignments not due for weeks. I’d bet my life on it.

  “I would have done my makeup if I’d known we were getting a new teacher,” Ivy said, currently sporting an hour’s worth of face fixing.

  “Kensington’s ticker went on the fritz last week,” Alex said, moseying on up to us. “My mom said he’ll be out for weeks if not months.” His mom was the principal of our high school. Therefore, he was our inside scoop into any and all gossip on the students and teachers.

  “The new guy’s name is Mr. Marshall. Brand new to the system so we get to break him in,” Alex said, giving his hips a thrust.

  “I have a feeling my English mark is about to improve dramatically,” Ivy said, shamelessly sticking her chest out before strutting off to introduce herself.

  “You go, girl,” Alex said in his high-pitched voice. Ivy’s skirt was too short—her tight shirt, too low. Just like every day. The admin stopped calling her on dress code violations years ago. It did nothing anyway. The girl wore what the girl wanted to wear.

  Which was interesting because we all had the same uniforms, but Ivy liked to get them—altered.

  The last time Alex’s mom sent her home for improper hemlines, Ivy’s mom created such a shitstorm on social media the school ended up with a PR nightmare.

  Thus, the reason little Miss Ivy got to prance around in her short skirts and gaping necklines. Not that any of these “boys” at school were her type anyway. She just liked to flaunt and tease the young hopefuls at Santa Lena’s Academy for the brightest and best—and those with the deepest pockets who were lucky enough to snag a spot.

  Her real sights were normally set on college guys. Not that I blamed her one bit. While some of the boys in my school could be nice, they just didn’t—do it for me, if you know what I mean.

  I’d always been attracted to men’s bodies as opposed to pre-growth spurt. Of course, it wasn’t only their physical selves that needed to catch up—their mental and emotional states were years behind us as well.

  That was where I differed even more. In my mother’s shining brilliance, she decided to hold me back a year before sending me to kindergarten. My birthday is in August, so mom decided to give me a leg up on my classmates.

  This backfired drastically on her once I began puberty earlier than expected. Add on the extra year I was already ahead of the other kids--you can imagine the awkwardness.

  Sporting a full C-cup in grade six was not something you wanted when most of your friends were still playing with dolls when nobody was looking. Those middle school years were filled with boys’ stares, rude comments and unwanted, “accidental” touches.

  Ivy flipped her hair back in the universally known love language of, “I’ll do whatever the heck you want,” as she laughed. Mr. Marshall nodded, smirked, then strode into his awaiting classroom.

  “Burn,” Alex yelled, quickly getting Ivy’s attention. She saluted him with her pink-tipped middle finger before walking away.

  “God damn it.” I heard a raspy voice say further behind the auditorium stage. It kind of freaked me out because other than myself, nobody was ever back here. Normally when I came during lunch to work on the drama set, I was all alone. Treading more carefully, I hugged my backpack closer to my stomach. The scent of decades of musty, dusty costumes and props filled my nose.

  Passing the last curtain, I poked my head into one of the makeshift dressing rooms. It was the new teacher, shoulders hunched awkwardly over as he maniacally rubbed at his crotch. “What the…” I said out loud, not able to contain my confusion at what I saw. Was he getting—friendly with himself back here? My backpack dropped to the floor, creating a hollow, thudding sound.

  His head jerked up, rag in hand, more than a little surprised to see me. My eyes couldn’t help but travel down to his pants where a large, blue spot appeared beside his pocket. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize anyone else would be back here,” I said, floundering with embarrassment. The white rag sported streaks of th
e same blue stain on his light brown pants.

  “What happened?” I asked, retrieving my bag, walking into the room.

  “I’m supposed to check on how the props are coming for the play. One of the projects tried to get up close and personal,” he said, a sexy smile popping up on his way-to-handsome face.

  “I don’t blame it one bit,” I said in a low voice, taking the time to get a good look at our newest faculty member. The sleeves of his button-down shirt were undone and rolled up to his elbows, displaying the finest arms I’d seen in my life. If his forearms were that muscular, what would the rest of him look like?


  “I said, I’ll help you out in a minute.” A faint blush started somewhere around my breasts then traveled upwards. Bending down, I hid my face for second, opening a few zippers in my bag before finding what I was looking for. “Got it,” I said, victorious, smiling as I stood.

  “A marker?” he asked, not understanding my glee.

  “It’s one of those stain eraser pens. Here,” I said, handing it over. His fingers touched mine when he grabbed it. A zing of hot electricity shot straight through me.

  “Hmm, what do you do?” Not waiting for instructions, he uncapped the lid, rubbing the stain, making even more of a mess.

  “No, no, no.” I scolded him, snatching the pen out of his hand. “You’re just making it worse.” I was close enough now to smell his spicy aftershave. My body couldn’t help swaying toward him for another sniff. Kneeling down in front of him, I ripped the rag out of his hand. “First, you’re supposed get as much off as possible.”

  Dabbing the spot, I glanced up at him. His sparkling blue eyes bore into me, giving me a funny feeling in my stomach. “Then you have to push the applicator in, so the stuff comes out.”

  His eyes closed as another smile appeared on his face. Placing his hands on his hips, he said, “You don’t say?” One dark, eyebrow cocked upwards while he looked back down at me.

  “Trust me, I’ve done this a hundred times,” tumbled out before I could stop it. I was mortified as a blush burned my cheeks. Scribbling harder now, trying not to think about what I’d just said, my other hand dropped the rag so I could get a better grip on his leg. Holy crap, his thigh was made of concrete or something. The heat radiating into my hand was nearly scorching. All on their own, my fingers flexed, confirming the fact that Mr. Marshall rarely missed a workout.

  “Have you now?” he said suggestively, his tone making my cheeks even redder.

  “I’m a bit of a klutz,” I said, dabbing the ever-improving stain. “It looks better already, see?”

  “Better, but still noticeable. I’ll have to go home and change, thanks anyway,” he said, reaching down for my hand, halting any further attempt.

  As he pulled me up, we were face to face, his eyes falling to my mouth. My breath caught in my throat as I began to feel a bit dizzy. “No, really. Dry it with the hand dryer in the washroom and use this again,” I said, swinging the stain remover in front of him as nonchalantly as I could while my heart thumped a crazy beat.

  “That’ll work?” he asked, eyes still stuck on my lips, hand continuing to grip my sweaty one. The skin on my hand tingled, sending a sensual warmth through me.

  “Yep, trust me. It works.” Sliding the pen into his pocket, his mischievous eyes darted up to mine.

  “We haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Evan,” he said, shaking my hand. Well, more like holding it tighter.

  “Holly.” I choked out, sputtering a bit from a throat that had suddenly gone dry.

  “Grape?” He cocked his head to the side.

  Puzzled, I searched his face. “My name’s Holly, not grape.”

  Leaning in, he smirked. “Your gum, is it grape?”

  My jaw gaped open. We were so close he could smell the flavor of my gum. I swallowed loudly. “Uh, yeah, I think so.”

  His eyes flickered over my face as a slow, sexy smile crossed his face. “I like grape,” he whispered into my ear, leaving goose bumps in his wake. I inhaled sharply, shocked at his insinuation. “What do you teach, Holly?” he asked, squeezing my hand a little more now, peering down at me. We were so close, his lips wouldn’t have far to go if he were to kiss me.


  “Teach. Or are you just the resident laundry personnel?” He joked, his other hand moving to my lower back.

  “I don’t teach, I’m a student.”

  “What?” he said, shocked, the air leaving his lungs as though someone had punched him.

  “I’m in grade twelve.”

  Eyebrows up, eyes practically bugging out, he immediately dropped my hand, taking a step back. “You’re, you’re—a student?”

  Sad for the loss of his touch, I sighed. “Yeah.”

  “Fuck,” he said, raking his hand through his hair. “I’m so sorry, Holly. Jesus, I thought you were a teacher.” His eyes scanned me again. Shaking his head, he said, “You look a lot older than grade twelve. And where’s your uniform?”

  “I don’t wear one when I’m working on the props. Things get messy back here,” I said, glancing again at his stain.

  “Damn, I’m really sorry.”

  “It’s fine. Look,” I said, grabbing onto his arm. It felt—manly. His eyes dropped down to my hand. “No harm, no foul. All I did was help you out with a wardrobe malfunction in the drama department. Happens all the time.” My smile was genuine. Right now, I wanted nothing more than to relieve his anxiety. “Besides, even if something had happened—I’m no snitch.”

  With that, I picked up my backpack, turned around, heading back out to my project.



  An hour later and still, all I could think about was Holly’s hands on me. Every time I closed my eyes to shake her out of my head, I pictured her gazing up at me from her knees. I’d never had to concentrate so hard on keeping myself in check.

  There was only so much Shakespeare I could recite on demand. The Bard never let me down when I was in a bind—like when sexy, cute, blondes began rubbing the front of my pants. How I managed to keep an erection at bay, I’d never know.

  The bell rang, interrupting my train of thought. “Paraphrase the next chapter for homework, please.” I instructed the class as they collected their books. Sounds of chair legs scraping the floor filled the air.

  “Mr. Marshall?” I heard my voice called behind me. Turning around, I saw it was that same blonde who had been outwardly flirting with me this morning.

  “Hi—Amber, is it?” I said, even though I remembered quite well what her name was.

  Her forced giggle made me nauseous. “Ivy,” she said, laughing like it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard. The way she flipped her long, curly hair told me I hadn’t made myself clear with her earlier.

  “Right, Ivy.” I nodded, giving her a completely neutral look. This girl didn’t need one ounce of encouragement.

  “Umm, the assignment?” she said, twirling a strand of hair around her fingers while she gave her best attempt at sticking out her chest. Good grief.

  “Yes?” I answered, crossing my arms in front of me, getting increasingly more annoyed.

  “I’m not sure I exactly understand it?” She looked at me from under her long, mascaraed eyelashes.

  Holly didn’t wear a lot of makeup. She was more of a natural beauty—shit. My blood ran cold. I needed to stop thinking about her. “Look, Amber—I mean Ivy—I explained it thoroughly during class. Try your best at it tonight. We’ll share in class tomorrow.”

  With that, I spun around, putting away the books I had used for this class, then opened the ones for the next. One more period, then home time.

  “But do you think you could—”

  “Time for your next class, the bell’s about to ring,” I said, not bothering to look up. Leave, little pest. Erasing the wipe off board like it was my soul purpose in life, I peered over my shoulder to see her rushing out the door.

  One more hour. Then I could congra
tulate myself on my very first, full day of solo teaching. The fact that little Miss Stain Remover hadn’t shown up in any of my classes filled me with relief. Last thing in this world I needed was to deal with her and those wide, almond shaped eyes staring at me for an hour every day.

  The bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. “Okay, everyone. Take your seats please. My name is,” I said, stopping the second my vision landed on her. Shit, so much for being home-free. Our eyes locked immediately—Holly’s holding mine a willing hostage. Her delicate hand grasped a silky tendril, winding it seductively around her finger. “Mr. Marshall. I’m taking over for Mr. Kensington while he recuperates.”

  A wave of heat shot through me as I watched. Dragging my gaze away from her, I cleared my throat attempting to remember what exactly I was doing here.

  Scooping up a stack of freshly photocopied handouts, I strolled down the aisle handing out papers to the students as I went. A few more steps and I’d be at Holly’s desk. Her long legs came into view first—that skirt seemed very short as my eyes lingered over the expanse of smooth, tanned skin. My gaze whipped to hers as I held my breath.

  “This contains the course outline for the next month.” I inhaled, deeply. “If Mr. Kensington is gone longer…” The paper I passed to Holly somehow slipped through her hand. Bending down, I reached for it just as she leaned over. Our heads collided with a crack.